Monday, February 1, 2010

Was I Intentional/Obedient In My BEDTIME Today? (Feb.)

2-11 Doing a bit better. Lights out 45 minutes late.
2-12 No
2-13 Might make it on time!
2-17 no-becuase of N being sick

Was I Intentional/Obedient In My EATING today? (Feb.)

2-11 Ummm.......didn't do too well, but I suppose as long as I eat healthy tomorrow, I will be ok.
2-12 No
2-13 Since a few hours ago, yes.
2-17 Not too bad

Did I Throw Myself WHOLEHEARTEDLY into Everything I Did Today? (Feb.)

2-11 Not very well
2-12 No
2-13 I tried a few times

Did I Say "Yes" as Often as Possible? (Feb.)

2-11 I remembered to say yes a few times today.
2-17 yes! :)

How can I do better tomorrow? (Feb.)

2-11 Prepare for things I KNOW will happen. They WILL push every button I have-so I have to be prepared with how I will handle it.
2-12 Sleep
2-17 obey Holy Spirit's promptings better.

Did I loose my temper today? If so, why? (Feb.)

2-11 Came very close & perhaps did cross the line a bit. Nat nearly sent me over the edge today. Buckled him in his car seat & called Mom!
2-12 Many, many times I came SUPER close today-but was pretty much able to keep my cool.
2-13 No
2-17 no

Did I kiss my husband today? (Feb.)

2-13 Yes! :)

Did I treat him as my husband or as the hired help? (Feb.)

2-13 A bit of both

How have they changed from yesterday? (Feb.)

Did I slow down enough to enjoy them, or was my day too rushed? (Feb.)

2-11 Too rushed, as usual!
2-12 OK.....although the battery dying on the van was an unexpected curve ball.
2-13 I tried
2-17 a bit of both

What did they tell me, or try to tell me, today? (Feb.)

2-17 Ana-all sorts of *stuff* about school

Did I Have Any Eye-to-Eye Conversations With Them Today? (Feb.)

2-11 Yes-with Ana
2-12 Yes-w/ R.
2-13 Short ones, but yes.
2-17 Yes-Ana about her EXCELLENT grade!!! Woot!

Did I Spend Enough TIME With My Kids Today? (Feb.)

2-11 No
2-12 Did ok today.
2-13 Yes.
2-17 yes

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Was I Intentional/Obedient In My BEDTIME Today? (January)

1-14-10 No-but that's about to change.

14th No

15th Better-headed to bed right now.

22nd Headed to bed right now-5o minutes late.

23rd Headed to bed now-1 & 1/2 hours late.

24th Headed to bed now-light out 1/2 hour EARLY!!!

27th Dave might want to watch TV when he comes home, so we'll see how late I end up being.

28th No

29th no, but it's hard to be when you get late-night phone calls.

31st Going to bed-a bit late.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Was I Intentional/Obedient In My EATING today? (January)

1-04-10 Some of the time, yes. Got a whole bunch more motivation to loose weight. I have to "dance" in Ana's ballet recital at the end of the year. YIKES!!!

1-05-10 Did a bit better.

1-06-10 Pretty much.

1-08-10 Did some better.

1-09-10 did pretty good, I think.

1-11-10 No, I forgot completely about it. :(

1-13-10 Yes, today I was!

14th Yes, I was

15th Yes, although I *intenionally* ate a TON of carbs tonight. HAve to be good the reast of the week & not overdo it!

22nd Did pretty good the past few days.

23rd Yes, except for a few bites of pancake.

24th Yes

27th Not as good as I could have been, but lost a couple of pounds in the past few weeks.

28th No.....

29th no

Did I Throw Myself WHOLEHEARTEDLY into Everything I Did Today? (January)

1-04-10 not consciously.

1-06-10 I tried to think a lot about it.

1-08-10 I forgot about it, mostly. :(

1-09-10 Did pretty good for most of the day.

1-11-10 did ok......when I remembered my goal, that is.

1-13-10 Really had this on my mind a lot today! Went better, too!

1-14 Not sure......

15th I did ok-remembered most of the day.

22nd Yeah-I did pretty good with this today.

23rd Yes

24th Yes

27th Not as good as I should have.

28th Didn't think about it much today.

29th Remembered a few times.....but not as often as I would like to.

31st Did ok......

Did I Say "Yes" as Often as Possible? (January)

1-04-10 Did pretty well.

1-05-10 ditto.

1-06-10 ummm......not too sure.

1-08-10 No, I know I didn't.

1-09-10 didn't even cross my mind!

1-11-10 I let her cook dinner!

1-13-10 I thought about saying "yes" as often as possible, when I was tempted to tell Ana "no" on her art project.

15th There were things I said yes too that I didn't *feel* like saying yes too. I think that counts!

22nd Yep.....sure did! :)

23rd Yes.

24th Yes.

27th Yes.

28th Yes

29th Yes

How can I do better tomorrow? (January)

1-04-10 Be more "wholehearted."

1-05-10 ditto

1-06-10 slow down......plan ahead so I'm not rushing kids everywhere.

1-08-10 Be more "wholehearted." Less time at the computer!

1-09-10 ditto.....

1-11-10 Remember throughout the day, that I am going to do this journal at night & pay attention to my kiddos & their needs!

1-13-10 GO TO BED at night!

23rd Prepare ahead of time to go to church.

24th Go to bed.

27th Be more in the moment

28th Ditto & get to bed!

29th Ditto above

Did I loose my temper today? If so, why? (January)

1-04-10 Not that I can remember....

1-05-10 ditto-although I was frustrated at different times.

1-06-10 With Ana, yes, after leaving the store.

1-08-10 No!!! :) & Boy, did Ana try my patience! Ripped a dress & broke a picture!

1-09-10 No! :)

1-11-10 Yes, I did-with R. Big surprise. I feel very ashamed, too, about it.

1-13-10 Not really

1-14-10 Yes, but I can't remember why.

15th No

22nd Yes, but stopped right away when I remembered that satan wants to win through my trials.

23rd No, but then, I wasn't around the kiddos as much as normal, either. Not sure how much that has to do w/ it.

24th No

27th no

28th no

29th no

31st yes.....w/ Ruth & Nat.

What memories did I make for our family today? (January)

1-04-10 Not many-except for reading at nap.

1-05-10 ditto

1-06-10 ditto

1-08-10 ditto-although we did meat Daddy for lunch.

1-09-10 None-unless you count Ana having to miss ballet next week-which I know she'll remember.

1-11-10 I let Ana cook supper! I think she'll remember that I gave her the liberty of coming up with her own menu & cooking it-start to finish. She even cleaned up!

1-13-10 Let Ana do a "project."

15th Really, none. Except normal, every day type memories.

22nd Took them to the creek. Made homemade pizza together. Girls having a slumber party in Ana's bed.

23rd Made homemade pancakes w/ Ruthie.

24th Anjali came over for Ana.

28th Just supper around the table

29th Friday night pizza

Did I kiss my husband today? (January)

1-04-10 I have a cold sore, so no.

23rd Yes.

24th Yes

27th Yes

28th Yes

29th Yes

Did I treat him as my husband or as the hired help? (January)

1-04-10 A bit of both.....

1-05-10 ditto

1-06-10 Did better today, but, then again, he was hardly here.

1-11-10 As my hubby!

23rd As my hubby!

24th Ditto

27th Ditto

28th A bit of both

29th Ditto

How have they changed from yesterday? (January)

1-06-10 Haven't noticed much.

1-08-10 Ditto.

1-13-10 Ditto

22nd They haven't much-but *I* have really started to enjoy my kids.

29th I was just noticing this morning how many less temper tantrums Ruthie has been throwing!!! Yeah!!! We may be making headway!

Did I slow down enough to enjoy them, or was my day too rushed? (January)

1-04-10 Yes, listened to Ana about ballet & read to R & N.

1-05-10 Ditto

1-06-10 I was pretty rushed-& spent way too much time when they were awake on the computer.

1-08-10 Not so much-although I did take the girls to the store with me, just to spend time with them.

1-09-10 No

1-11-10 Yes, I tried to.

11-14-10 Very rushed day.

15th Yes, I did fairly well today, although we went out to eat twice & that is Waaay more running around than I usually do!

22nd I purposely stayed home until I had to go out & get meds tonight.

24th Pretty rushed.

27th Spent too much time on the phone w/ K......who really needed to talk.

28th Rushed

29th Ditto

31st Ditto

What did they tell me, or try to tell me, today? (January)

1-04-10 Ana told me a bunch about ballet & new steps she is learning, & I am happy to say I stopped & really listened!

1-05-10 no

1-06-10 Ana babbled on & on at every meal.......&I have no idea what she said. :(

1-08-10 Don't remember......

1-11-10 Ana talked quite a bit about school. I didn't listen super well, though.

1-13-10 I was thinking on the way home from AWANA, "How did I end up with 3 talkers?" I mean, in the car, usually all three of them are talking at once! I didn't listen too well, although I did try to follow all the conversations & enter in to them as best I could!

15th Ana & I had a great conversation about her best friend today-& I took all the time Ana needed to talk about it.

Did I Have Any Eye-to-Eye Conversations With Them Today? (January)

1-04-10 Yes, Ana right as I was saying good-night.

1-05-10 No.

1-06-10 Yes, a short one with Ana at dinner.

1-08-10 Not that I remember.....

1-09-10 Yes, but only because Ana was in trouble. :(

1-11-10 One with Ana & a few w/ Ruthie when she was in trouble.

1-13-10 No

1-14-10 No, although I don't want to forget I had one ealry Friday am w/ Ana.

15th Yep-all three of them!

22nd Hmmm......not that I remember.

23rd Yes, about her grades. :)

24th No

27th No

28th Yes....although it was a hard one.

29th Ana & ditto above.

31st Not really.

Did I Spend Enough TIME With My Kids Today? (January)

1-04-10 Well, I sure tried. Read a book to both R & N before naps.

1-05-10 Ditto

1-06-10 Ditto

1-08-10 Read to Ana a few nights ago.

1-09-10 Not really. I was super busy running all over.

1-11-10 A bit better-read to the "littles" at nap.

1-12-10 Intentionally going to bed......

1-13-10 Not really.

14th Ditto....

15th I certainly tried!

22nd Ditto

23rd I let Dave spend time with them today. I did lesson plans, graded & shopped for *necesities*. :)

24th Sundays are hard-just to much back & forth from church!

27th Nat tonight after the girls & Dave went to AWANA. We played cars.

28th No

29th No-ran way to many errands while Dave watched them.

31st Yes......