Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How can I do better tomorrow?

11-24-09 Spend time with Natty, playing cars or something. Plan ahead when leaving the house, so EVERYONE has what they need/want.

11-25-09 Ignore the computer when REAL people need me. Plan one-on-one time.....especially on busy days. Listen better. Look at people when they are talking to me.

11-26-09 Predict a bit better-which is important, since we are going with RCM & kids to the hot springs in Buena Vista. Ruth will be tired, demanding & hungry, I am sure.

11-27-09 I did predict EXACTLY how Ruth would be by the end of the day, so I was way less stressed when she fell apart. Tomorrow, I will work ahead, so the end of the day doesn't get stressful for me, & thus the kids!

11-29-09 Not loose my temper......

11-30-09 Not rush around-stay home, mostly. (except for BS)

12-1-09 Slow down enough to enjoy them.

12-2-09 Slow down. Listen.

12-3-09 I have got to slow down......

12-6-09 Slow down & listen & recognize when they are trying to communicate something.

12-9-09 Slow down-don't try to do too much. Ha! At this time of year?!?

12-17-09 Don't go anywhere tomorrow. Should be doable!

12-18-09 Don't try to accomplish too much.

Did I loose my temper today? If so, why?

11-24-09 Yes, I did. Ruth DEMMANDED water & we were running late......

11-25-09 Yes, with both Ruth & Natty when they got demmanding while I was on the computer.

11-26-09 Yes, with Dave. :(

11-27-09 Can't remember, so maybe not!!! :)

11-29-09 Yes-I was exhausted & was interrupted in my nap twice!!!

11-30-09 Can't remember.....

12-1-09 I didn't-& that's an absolute MIRACLE considering the fit Ruth threw in the store.

12-2-09 Can't remember.

12-3-09 No, I don't think so.

12-6-09 No, I don't think so.

12-9-09 No.

12-17-09 not today-but I sure did two nights ago. Lost keys or something.....

12-18-09 No.....

What memories did I make for our family today?

11-24-09 Played a game with the girls.......& baked mini apple pies with them.

11-25-09 Picnic in the family room while watching the Jayhawks trounce Oakland!!!!

11-26-09 I think we are adding to the memories by spending time together with family.

11-27-09 Swam at the hot springs with cousins.

11-29-09 Made a nice lunch & facilliated Dave reading to everyone at lunch.

11-30-09 Read at the dinner table.

12-1-09 Got an Advent Calendar at the Christian Bookstore. Started in on that.

12-2-09 Continued with Advent Calendar. Read at lunch.

12-3-09 Continued with the Advent Calendar.

12-6-09 Advent Calendar. Made some memories around the kitchen table.

12-9-09 Not too sure I remember any......well, except for "Christmas School" with Ana.

12-17-09 Went out for dinner to celebrate Josh's b-day.

12-18-09 Cooked with the girls, Celebrated what we are now calling "Ruthie Day."

Did I kiss my husband today?

11-24-09 Yep-at least twice (the day's not over yet!)

11-25-09 Nope-but he had an emergency root canal today.

11-26-09 Nope-same reason.

11-27-09 Ditto-but did cuddle a bit on the couch!

11-29-09 Yep-finally his mouth must be feeling better!

12-6-09 I don't remember!

12-9-09 Yes....

12-17-09 Yes....

Did I treat him as my husband or as the hired help?

11-24-09 I sent him a little love note, but I also got pretty demanding when bedtime rolled around.

11-25-09 I am guilty of treating him like hired help a lot, I think.....

11-26-09 I tried to remember to ASK him for help-& not demand it.

11-27-09 hmmmm.....not sure how to answer this today-being gone all day!

11-29-09 a bit of both, I think.

12-6-09 A bit of both, again.

12-9-09 Ditto....

12-17-09 hired help....... :(

12-18-09 ditto.......

How have they changed from yesterday?

11-24-09 I hope/pray Ana is seeing the seriousness of lying-finally.

11-25-09 Didn't notice any changes.

11-26-09 Ditto

11-27-09 Ruth was for sure different when exhausted than she would have been 6 months ago! Partially because I slowed down & worked with her, instead of hurrying her through my agenda!
11-29-09 Didn't notice any.

11-30-09 Yeah!!! Ana told me (on her own) that she had done something she thought she might get in trouble for-tasting vanilla. That is a BIG change for her!

12-1-09 Ana came up to me last night & asked for help in dealing with Ruthie, instead of loosing her temper with her. She said she thought about kicking Ruth in the head, but knew she would have to lie about what happened if she did that, so she decided to come talk to me instead. Whew!!! I was relieved & SOOOO happy!!!!

12-2-09 Haven't noticed much today.

12-3-09 Ditto.....

12-6-09 Ditto....

12-17-09 Ditto....

12-18-09 The girls fighting has regressed a bit.

Did I slow down enough to enjoy them, or was my day too rushed?

11-24-09 I tried to, & I think I did better than some days.

11-25-09 I was super busy today-probably too busy.

11-26-09 I tried......& did play games etc...

11-27-09 Yep-a day at a hot springs will do that! Slow me down, at least!

11-29-09 No......Sundays seem so rushed.

11-30-09 Day was rushed-ran around shopping most of the morning (while Ana was at school)

12-1-09 Very busy day.

12-9-09 Way too busy!

12-3-09 Very busy.

12-6-09 super busy

12-17-09 Ruthie's ballet recital & Josh's b-day-very busy!

What did they tell me, or try to tell me, today?

11-24-09 Ana told me she wanted to try not working for a day to see how she liked it. Then, she thought better of that-after our story from Grandma's Attic tonight.

11-25-09 Ana told me stuff I remember her being very excited/amused by, but I have no idea what it was. I should listen better.

11-26-09 YEAH!!! I remembered to ask Ana to clarify something she was talking about!

11-27-09 Listened & tried to ask questions about what they were talking about.

11-29-09 hmm.......

11-30-09 Ana came & confessed she tried VANILLA tonight. Not a big deal at all in my book-natural consequences-she won't try that again.

12-1-09 Ana is communicating so much better-not just loosing it like she was doing so much of before.

12-2-09 Ana talked quite a bit to me today, but I can't remember much of it. :(

12-3-09 Don't remember......

12-6-09 Ana talked a lot-but we were so busy I don't remember much of it!

12-17-09 Not that I remember.

12-18-09 Nothing significant that I remember. :(

Did I have any eye-to-eye conversations with them?

11-24-09 Can't remember if I did or not.

11-25-09 Ditto. This needs working on. (although I had a very small one w/ Natty while rocking him to sleep).

11-26-09 no

11-27-09 Yes, although very short-one or two sentences.

11-29-09 No....

11-30-09 Yes-one with Ana......

12-1-09 Yes-a few short ones. Ruth-after a MAJOR melt-down in the store.

12-2-09 Ana-yes. R & N-not really.

12-3-09 No-not really.

12-6-09 No, not really.

12-9-09 No, not really.

12-17-09 Uuuhhhhh-no.

12-18-09 Yes-rocking Natty, Ana when she was in trouble & Ruth about her "Gotcha Day."

Did I spend enough time with my kids today?

11-24-09 Read to Ana tonight. Played a game w/ Ruthie & Ana. Carried Natty in the sling at Wal-Mart.

11-25-09 Read at the table to them at lunch.

11-26-09 Played games with Ana at RCM's.......other than that, was pretty busy getting food on!

11-27-09 Spent ALL DAY with Ana & Ruthie-swam in a hot springs. Missed Natty, but it was better that he stayed with daddy.

11-29-09 Well, Sundays are hard-they are away from us for almost all of church. Naps & other stuff Sunday afternoon.......

11-30-09 Looked at old pics of Ana with her-by herself. Read a few short books to Ruth at bedtime. Rocked Natty.

12-1-09 Looked at old pics with Ana again. Read to Ruthie. Rocked Nat.

12-2-09 Read to Ruth, rocked Nat. Didn't do much with Ana-except read at lunch.

12-3-09 No-it was a busy, busy day. But, they had fun playing with their friends.

12-6-09 Not really. Sundays are super busy.

12-9-09 Did ok......

12-17-09 Not too bad-although we went to Amy's-& I always feel like I didn't give them enough attention on those days.

12-18-09 I INTENTIONALLY stayed home all day. We have been running & running way too much the past few days. I read to the kids before Dave came home.